This is a flat plan of my contents page and firstly, I think that I have included too many images, two should be enough instead of six. It has the same black background as the front cover, and the same colour text (white and yellow/orange). The contents have been put into a “This Week” section to keep them separate from the main image, but I think I will change this and put them into more specific sections, such as news, reviews and features. The main image is of one of the characters that will be included on my front cover, I have drawn them without and instrument but when I come to taking photos I may include an instrument as a prop. The facial expressions of the character are still undecided, I have drawn them smiling in the meantime.
This is a flat plan of my front cover. I chose to use only one image, but containing two people. I chose to have them separate with one person standing closer to the camera and the other standing further away to suggest their priority within the band. I think it will look good to have my characters dressed in casual clothes, e.g. jeans, jacket and t-shirts, preferably with a band on as many bands in my chosen genre tend to dress casually even when playing live on stage and they wear t-shirts with either their own band or another band on. The backdrop will be black to match the magazines colour scheme and also, with the use of lighting, to make colours stand out. I have used colours such as black, white and yellow/orange, but are not visible in the scanned image. The masthead, which unfortunately didn't scan properly, uses white text on a black background to make it easily readable and visible from a crowd of magazines, and also to reflect that the magazine is primarily targeted at males. I have used sell lines such as “First Feature” and “Exclusive” as they contain buzzwrods which make the magazine more appealing. Also, the masthead and main sell line are written in block capitals to make them more noticeable and gives them a higher importance, and there are more sell lines on the left-hand side and bottom of the magazine front cover stating that there are exclusive band features inside and a list of other bands at the bottom making the reader want to buy the magazine. The main sell line “Broken Idols, first feature pg 3+4, Shadows E.P.” is jagged and handwritten, giving it a rough and edgy appeal. In the bottom right-hand corner is a barcode, date and price.
This is a flat plan of my double page spread. There is a main image of my chosen artist against a black backdrop (this is not shown in the image). Again, I think i will change the pose of my artist to them playing an instrument whilst looking down, I hope this will make my artist seem to be revolving around music; all their attention is focused on playing their instrument. The image will take up all of the right side page and will be photographed in a mid-shot (just below the waist and upwards). The title "How the HELL did it get to this!?" is hand drawn, again giving it a rough and edgy look. I think that when I make my magazine I will make the font bold and have certain words coloured red (the words HELL and Broken Idols) as the colour red represents something bad (HELL) and also love and passion, i.e. in music (Broken Idols). I will also add an introductory paragraph in between the title and main article (set in 2 columns) against a red box to make it stand out and match the colour scheme.